Alistair Donald
Alistair’s life has been as a creative in the Music and Filmmaking industries. As a musician and in music management, and as a director producer making films on art and music.
This heady mixture of art, passion and entrepreneurialism is continued into Hokan. For him it is all about offering a way forward by tackling issues head on, using whatever talent you have, and doing something about it.

Q & A with A
What inspired you to create Hokan Bowls, and how did the idea first come to life?
I was brought up in a family that never wasted either the last bits of meals or food generally. I wanted to create a more elegant solution to the leaning towers of bowls filled with leftovers, with saucers on top, that were precariously stacked in my fridge. In designing Hokan’s, and making them in stoneware, I hope to have also given them much more use in the kitchen for cooking and serving so that you get the most for your money!
What’s the story behind the name “Hokan”? Does it have a special meaning or origin?
The best name is something that says what the product does. The Japanese word for safekeeping, to contain, to look after, is Hokan. It seemed perfect, if you speak Japanese that is!
How does Hokan Bowls reflect your vision of design and innovation?
My father, John Donald was a jewellery designer and maker, who combined art with wearable pieces that set a design tradition in the 1960’s. I think that I have that in my DNA, and so I created Hokan to be functional and practical but with style to really show off in the kitchen.
What sets Hokan Bowls apart from other kitchen products on the market?
It was important to have as many uses as possible, for as many types of people as possible. Chefs, the family cook, single professionals, students sharing a fridge; they can all get great use out of one bowl that can be used to cook with, save and store food in, to serve at table or to eat from. From what we hear back that is exactly what they are used for!
Can you tell us about the hand-drawn Hokan logo and what it represents?
Yes I did hand draw it – on graph paper – because I can’t use a computer to do it! But I wanted an emblem that reflected the strength of the stoneware bowls, our commitment to creating durable product and, be used as a simple recognisable stamp of quality.
What does a typical day in your life as a founder look like?
Everyday seems to be putting out multiple fires! Starting a business and keeping it going is a multi-faceted thing that needs constant attention to the people and detail that make it work. But the passion to make something useful, to see it come to life, is extremely rewarding, so it is entirely worth the burns.
Can you walk us through the process of designing a Hokan Bowl, from concept to finished product?
It all begins with a spark in the creative mind, that in my case is usually the result of trying to find the solution to something. In the case of Hokan it was to find an elegant and practical way to save food from going in the bin. I first sketched out some shapes, and then quickly wanted to design the interlocking lids and bowls feature so that they would stack together. After that I had a potter make from the sketches some bowls with the ring handled-lid, to see if they would work as I had imagined. After that it was down to choosing quality stoneware and the best colours to fit everyones kitchen.
What’s next for Hokan Bowls? Can we expect new products or designs soon?
Hokan is a brand committed to designing and producing kitchen and homeware products that are conscientious for our health and environment, and practical for efficient and economic living. So we have more additions to the multipurpose style bowl range and have sampled up a range of kitchen apparel using ‘deadstock’ and recycled cotton called the Hokan ReBorn range. And there will always be more colours and exciting glazes to add, and January and spring 2025 will bring four of these to the website.
Can you share with us your favourite recipe you use your Hokan bowls for?
My favourite is Get Up and Go Porridge because not only does it use a Hokan bowl in every which way that it can be, from saving ingredients, to storing in the fridge, then cooking in the oven or microwave, to eating straight from the bowl, but it is also very delicious too!